Help keep rail penalty fares fair
12 February 2018
Rail Penalty Fares appeals – a win for passengers and Transport Focus and a chance to take part in appeals.
Over the years we have done a lot of work on fares and ticketing, including how passengers without a ‘valid’ ticket are treated by the rail industry.
Everyone should, of course, buy a ticket. However, if passengers have made an honest mistake, there is no evidence of intent to defraud and the train company has suffered no actual loss we think passengers should be give the benefit of the doubt.
See here for some of our work in this area.
Our work on industry procedures and with individual train companies has brought about improvements. We see less complaints and the issue is not in the media as it was. The Government has already agreed to passengers being given a second chance if they have forgotten their railcard.
Also, the Government agreed with another one of our recommendations and has set up a totally independent third stage appeals panel. Recruitment is now taking place for panel members. If you fancy helping out take a look – the deadline for application is this Friday, February 16.