Promoting passengers’ refund and compensation rights
21 February 2014
Good to see today’s push from the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) and Passenger Focus to properly inform and educate passengers about their ticket refund and compensation rights. Both today’s ORR report and Passenger Focus’s research from July 2013 support the fact that train operators need to do more to inform passengers of their rights and make it easier for them to claim a refund or compensation caused by delay or cancellation of a service.
Last week I was on a East Coast service from Newcastle to London King’s Cross which was delayed by about 45 minutes. I was impressed that the train manager made her way down the train handing out compensation claim forms.
This is a great example of proactive customer service! More of the same please…
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Passenger Focus’s chief executive, Anthony Smith, is on a career break until April 2014. David Sidebottom is filling in for him while he is away.