Season ticket prices for 2013 – buy now to save money
28 November 2012
Rail season ticket prices for 2013 are now out! Many passengers are facing rises that will feel steep. Although the Government has capped the fare increase at RPI + 1 per cent, rather than the 3 per cent set out in their policy, that is still more than most people’s wages will increase.
It’s good to see that train companies seem to have exercised some restraint in using the ‘flex’ they can apply on individual routes to take the increase over the official level, as long as the average remains at or below it.
The problem is that these increases are piling on top of years of inflation-busting rises so prices keep spiralling upwards. The sooner the Government can deliver on its promise to get rail fares to rise in line with inflation the better. Take a look at our website for some randomly-selected sample fare changes.
A good consumer tip from Passenger Focus – check the price of your season ticket , and if it is going up, buy your ticket by 1 January to pay this year’s prices. This could save you pounds!
Please tell us about your fare changes – up, the same or down? Check out our forum to share your experience with other passengers.
Update – I’m talking about this on the Guardian website and over on Sky News too.