Young people and buses
19 July 2012
There is a lot of talk at the moment on understanding more about young people and buses. Younger passengers are very important for buses – nearly 50% of bus users are under 29. I recently gave evidence to the Youth Parliament Select Committee (a very professional outfit!) – please click here to see our evidence.
Our research has found that while younger passengers tend to be more dissatisfied overall (perhaps just a function of being young?) two things stick out: value for money and anti-social behaviour.
Staffordshire council and the regional Youth Parliament reps have done some excellent work in promoting the ‘Your Staffordshire Card’ – bus travel for under 19s for a pound a journey. The Youth Parliament has done sterling work in going around the county promoting the impressive take up. Young passengers get discounts in local shops and attractions as well, perhaps a hint of how smartcards could be made more attractive. It can be done!