Transport User Voice – Bus Passenger Survey expands into Wales

31 August 2017

For the first time, the Bus Passenger Survey will be taking place across England, Scotland and now Wales.

The support of the Welsh Government and main bus operators has secured a Wales-wide survey this time.

The Bus Passenger Survey has now become the recognised measure of bus passenger satisfaction and an influential and useful tool for benchmarking and comparing the views of passengers. In total we are expecting to cover around 50 authority and operator areas in England, plus Scotland and the Wales-wide network. We aim to gather responses from over 45,000 passengers as a result of working with transport authorities, bus operators and the Welsh Government.

Fieldworkers will be on buses during September, October and November, encouraging passengers to take part in the survey. Passengers are able to complete the questionnaire either on paper or online. If you are approached, do please take the opportunity to join in.

Results will be available early next year, previous reports are available on our website here.

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