How can lorry driver rest stops be improved?
18 January 2023
Have you ever thought about the lorry drivers that travel up and down the country delivering items that we depend on?
Transport Focus is holding an event later this month to look at improving lorry driver rest stops at Hollies truck stop near Cannock. Minister for roads, Richard Holden MP, will give a keynote speech and we’ll have contributions from lorry drivers themselves, the roadside facilities sector, and businesses operating lorries.
We will present our insight, hear from leading stakeholders and start conversations about making the changes that lorry drivers most want. By working with Logistics UK, SNAP and Certas Energy we’ll be talking about issues they currently face and possible solutions.
It’s great to see Government launch a £32.5 million scheme to match-fund investment in rest stops. National Highways is also investing £20 million into improvements. Both are very welcome but how can we make sure this money is put to the best use in terms of what lorry drivers want?
Our research shows that the improvements drivers will value most relate to security, management of parking, quality/choice of food and a welcoming atmosphere. You can take a look at the results of our pilot survey here.
Transport Focus is planning a regular survey to measure lorry drivers’ experiences when using roadside facilities. This will help to make sure the lorry driver’s voice is at the heart of thinking.
We will be sharing videos from the event on Twitter, LinkedIn and our website so do keep an eye out. We’re looking forward to the chance to make a real difference to lorry drivers’ experiences.