Fflecsi – the experience of Demand Responsive Transport in Wales
23 February 2022
Transport Focus Wales has been working with Transport for Wales to assess the experience of Demand Responsive Transport following the introduction of a number of pilot schemes under the fflecsi brand in Wales in 2020. We also looked at two schemes in England for comparison – Tees Flex in the Tees Valley and Go2 around Sevenoaks.
This interim summary report outlines the learnings gained so far.
We found that once people understood the fflecsi offer, they generally saw it as innovative and a modern solution to local transport and many have found using an app to book a ride is particularly appealing. Bus drivers have played a key role in explaining how the service works, although more emphasis on promotion and education will be essential for people to appreciate that it is for everybody.
Further interviewing has been undertaken in February 2022, and a full report will be published on completion of the research.
This report is available in English and Welsh.