Improving the passenger experience when trains become ‘stranded’

01 August 2024

In Autumn 2022, reports of poor passenger experiences during several ‘stranded train’ incidents led to concerns about passenger safety, welfare and customer experience. In response, Transport Focus has worked together with the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) to investigate the passenger experience during four incidents in 2023 and make recommendations for improvement.

ORR and Transport Focus intend to bring together senior leaders from infrastructure providers and train companies later in 2024 to discuss the industry’s approach to the management of stranded trains and drive a collaborative approach to learning lessons from
past incidents.

Summary report: Improving the passenger experience when trains become ‘stranded’
Summary report: Improving the passenger experience when trains become ‘stranded’ (Word)
Stranded trains - Agency report
Stranded trains - Agency report (Word)
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