Road to the future

28 November 2016

Transport Focus aims to be useful to the organisations that provide services for transport users. We think this is the most effective way to improve things for those whose interests we represent.

Last year we published Road users’ priorities for improvement, which sets out how car and van drivers and motorcyclists, and HGV drivers, want to see England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads improved.

This report now develops our understanding of road users’ expectations. It will be used by Highways England as it plans for the period 2020 – 2025, ensuring that road users themselves are at the heart of shaping the road network that is provided for them in future.

Below you can download:

  • a summary report, highlighting key findings of national importance
  • a full report, detailing user issues by each of the 18 routes that Highways England breaks its network into
  • a technical report on the research.
Road to the Future Nov 2016
Route Strategies report full 2016
RIS2 - Technical report
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