At Transport Focus we are committed to demonstrating high levels of accountability and transparency. These pages outline how to request information from us, and list information that we make routinely available to the public through our publication scheme. You can also find our privacy policy here.

As part of this commitment we also hold our Board meetings in public.


Information about us

What are our priorities and how are we doing?

This page outlines what we are focusing on in the upcoming year and further afield, and how we have fared over the last year. There is also information on appeal complaints that Transport Focus receives.

This page in our open data tool allows you to see a breakdown of how many appeal complaints Transport Focus has received in the last five years along with resolution time and Passenger Satisfaction Survey scores.

An overview of the performance of the organisation as a whole is reported to the Board every quarter. You can find a record of these reports in the Board minutes.

Who we are and what we do

Below you will find information on staff and organisational roles and responsibilities, staff structure, legislation relating to our functions and location details of our offices.

You can find out more about the Transport Focus team on our staff page, including details of the management team and Board. Our organisation chart sets out the internal structures.

Read more about our history here.

Information relating to the legislation relevant to Transport Focus’s functions

Information relating to organisations with which Transport Focus works in partnership

Publication scheme

Transport Focus has adopted the Model Publication Scheme, prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. This scheme commits Transport Focus to making certain information routinely available to the public.

You can read it here.

Availability and Charges

Wherever possible, information will be made available through the website free of charge.  Where this option is not possible, alternative methods of accessing the information will be detailed. If requesting information by any means other than the website you will be informed of any charges that apply before completing the request.

Any information listed within the sections below without a link may be requested via email, and will be sent to you, assuming that it is available. Please send your request to

 Guide to sections included in the Publication Scheme

Listed below are the different sections of information that we routinely publish to the website. Click on a heading to locate published documents on this topic

  1. Who we are and what we do
    Current information on our organisation, structure, locations and contacts
  2. What we spend and how we spend it
    Financial information relating to Transport Focus’s activities
  3. What our priorities are and how are we doing
    Strategies, plans and performance indicators
  4. How we make decisions
    Board meeting minutes and papers where we make decisions
  5. Policies and procedures
    Terms of reference, recruitment and privacy policies
  6. Lists and registers
    Gifts and hospitality register, staff and Board external interests list
  7. The services we offer
    Services we provide including publications, online tools, press releases and complaints information


Freedom of Information Act requests

Requests for information can be made via the website or sent in writing to:

Transport Focus
10th Floor
25 Cabot Square
London E14 4QZ

Tel: 0300 123 0860

The request must be made in writing and must also contain the following:

  • the name of the applicant and an address for correspondence (including email)
  • a description of the information required.

Whilst the description need not be comprehensive, being as specific as possible and including relevant dates will help to speed up the process.

It should also be noted that the request does not need to contain the words “Freedom of Information Act”.

If you are requesting information about you, it will be dealt with as a subject access request under the data protection act. You can find out more about this in our Privacy Policy.

In accordance with regulations under the legislation, fees may apply for meeting requests. If this is the case you will notified, and the request will be met once the fee has been paid.

Alternatively, the information you are looking for may be available on our Publication Scheme page.

What we spend and how we spend it

We publish the items listed below in Board meeting minutes and papers which can be found on the publications page.

  • Financial statements, budgets and variance reports and also project expenditure
  • Internal audit reports
  • Major plans for capital expenditure.

All of our contracts, procurement and tenders are advertised and accessible through the following websites:

How we make decisions

Transport Focus makes major decisions at Board meetings, held in public four times per year. We also make decisions at monthly management team meetings.

You can find all Board meeting papers and minutes on the publications page.

Our Board meets regularly in public – keep an eye on our social media for an invite to the next one!

Policies and procedures

Below you will find documents outlining the policies and procedures for our committees, recruitment, customer service, and personal data and charging regimes.

Conduct of business:

Terms of reference for committees:

Recruitment and employment of staff:

Customer service:

Records management and personal data policies:

Charging regimes and policies:

Lists and registers

Gifts and hospitality

  • Staff and Board member declarations for 2011/12
  • Staff and Board member declarations for 2012/13
  • Staff and Board member declarations for 2013/14
  • Staff and Board member declarations for 2014/15
  • Staff and Board member declarations for 2015/16
  • Staff and Board member declarations for 2016/17

Staff and Board

Two people looking at a laptop together.
Making our meetings transparent

Transport Focus is committed to transparency, and as part of that effort we hold Board meetings in public several times a year. Lockdown put paid to real-life meetings but we’ve now started broadcasting live-streamed sessions, where members of the public can ask questions no matter where they are in the country. Progress! Click here to watch November’s meeting.