Transport User Voice – March 2023 – Road User Panel

28 February 2023

A look ahead

As the watchdog for users of England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads, Transport Focus gathers road users’ views from many different sources. That includes our Strategic Roads User Survey (SRUS), used to hold National Highways to account, as well as from the research we carry out into individual issues, such as the experience charging an electric vehicle on National Highways’ roads. 

We add to the insight from our research by engaging with key stakeholders with an interest in the road user’s lot. One of the ways we do that is through our stakeholder panel, which meets quarterly. Members include motoring organisations the AA and RAC, Logistics UK, and the Road Haulage Association in the freight sector, as well as Sustrans, the British Motorcycle Federation, Living Streets, IAM roadsmart and others. We hear what’s on their minds and we share details of our work with them. It is also a good opportunity for National Highways, the Department for Transport and the Office or Rail and Road to hear directly from those organisations. 

The most recent meeting of the panel looked ahead to the next Road Investment Strategy (RIS3), covering 2025-30. National Highways shared how it planned to measure key aspects of road user experience under the broad heading of ‘fast and reliable journeys’. 

As plans are drawn up for what National Highways will deliver between 2025 and 2030, we’ll be making sure the road user interest is heard loud and clear. Transport Focus has already provided its recommendations to Government about road users’ priorities, which you can find on our website. 

STOP PRESS: The results from the latest wave of our Logistics and Coach Survey is now available in our Data Hub. It measures the views of freight and passenger transport operations managers on how well England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads serve them. This regular survey is a formal measure of National Highways’ performance over Road Period 2 (April 2020 to March 2025). The next wave of this survey will seek further opinion later this month and results will available around early May 


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