2-8 December rail strikes: pre-strike intentions and information survey

30 November 2023

We spoke to a representative sample people across Britain to find out how the rail strikes would affect their travel plans between 2 – 8 December.

The survey details awareness levels, ratings of information provided about which train services would run and ratings of information about ticket changes/refunds.

We found that many people are unaware that train companies in England will provide few, if any, trains on strike days. Among those who intended to travel, half thought train companies would provide a reduced service on all routes.

  • Among those who intended to use trains on any strike day, six in ten were aware of the strikes.
  • The majority of those that had planned to travel on strike days say they will no longer do so, but four in ten still plan to use the train, more than in previous survey waves.
  • Just over half of those who had intended to travel rated information about which train services were running as good. Half rated information about refunds and ticket changes as good.
2-8 December rail strikes - pre-strike intentions and information survey
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