Cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians: a summary of priorities for Highways England’s Network

09 January 2017

While cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians’ use of the Strategic Road Network (SRN) is confined to single and dual carriageway major ‘A’ roads because they are prohibited from using motorways, they need to be able to cross all Highways England’s roads safely.

Between now and 2020 the Government will invest substantial sums in improving the SRN, and planning for the five years after that is already underway. We believe it is important to understand the priorities of cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians in relation to these roads, and in particular to take their views properly into account.

The report looks to understand the key issues and barriers that cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians face when using or interacting with the Highways England network.

Click the link below to download the report. Highways England responded to the recommendations in this document in November 2020. You can read its response here.

Cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians: a summary of priorities for Highways England’s Network - January 2017
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