Dartford Crossing – Transport User Panel survey

13 July 2018

Earlier this year 447 panellists who had used the Dartford Crossing told us about their experience:

  • 66 per cent told us that they had expected a delay to their journey at the Dartford Crossing before they started their journey, though 44 per cent said that they actually experienced a delay
  • for 75 percent of panellists the experience of using the crossing matched expectations, and for 16 per cent the experience was better than expected. However, eight per cent told us that the experience was worse than they thought it would be.

To see lots more detail about what panellists told us please download the report below.

Transport Focus has shared this report with those at Highways England responsible for managing the Dartford Crossing to give them an insight into what the experience is like for users.

Dartford Crossing 2018 panel survey
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