Transport Focus responds to Wales Transport Strategy

01 February 2021

Welsh Government put plans out for consultation on Llwybr Newydd: a new Wales transport strategy with ambitions for the next 20 years and priorities for the next five years.​

Transport Focus has submitted a response which is informed both by our extensive evidence base and insight gathered through the engagement of our work in Wales.

You can find our key points for the benefit of transport users:

Priorities at the heart to attract modal shift

  • j​​oined-up network with better connectivity
  • better punctuality and reliability
  • better value for money, flexible and innovative ticketing.

Understanding barriers and issues from robust evidence gathered across modes

  • addressing barriers to travel: cost, convenience, complexity
  • issues for young people and those with disabilities
  • benchmarking measures with other nations and regions – sharing best practice.

Independent representation of transport users

  • holding operators to account for service delivery and challenging them
  • making sure this is across all modes and across Wales.​

Our response is below.

Wales Transport Strategy - Transport Focus response
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