Trialling a ‘push to web’ survey approach for passenger feedback

30 September 2021

As a result of the restrictions in place due to Covid-19 from March 2020, Transport Focus had to suspend all its regular transport user journey satisfaction surveys. As they involved face-to-face interactions between fieldworkers and the public we couldn’t continue doing them so we had to look at other ways for transport users to take part in our surveys.

One approach that some Government surveys had already been moving towards before the pandemic was ‘push to web’. This involves making initial contact by letter and encouraging people to take part in an online survey (although other ways of taking part are sometimes offered when reminders are sent). We decided to trial a push to web approach in the autumn of 2020 as it wouldn’t be affected by changing restrictions and it would allow us to contact a representative sample of households across Great Britain.

The report below provides details on how the survey was carried out, the responses we received and what we learnt from the trial.

Push to web trial report
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